Sunday, April 19, 2020

Ramadan and Its Virtues : What you need to know

It is widely known that this year's Ramadan is starting on the 23rd of April, all other things been equal. Thought it might change probably plus or minus a day depending on when the moon has been sighted and depending on when Shaaban  complete 30days. May Allah see us through it. 
But before we enter the month of Ramadan, I want us to know the meaning and the virtues embedded in the Holy month of Ramadan as one of the best month according to the Holy Qur’an. 
Below are some clarifications about what Ramadan entails. 

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar which is a lunar calendar based on the cycles of the moon. It is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture. Traditionally, people searched for the slight crescent using the naked eye, which has led to the declaration of different starting times for Ramadan, due to weather or geography. However, in many parts of the world, Ramadan still does not begin until religious leaders announce that they have personally seen the crescent moon.

Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Observances begin the morning after the crescent moon is visibly sighted, marking the beginning of the new month and the fasting also ends by the same scenario. During this month, All Muslims, from the age of puberty, who are physically and mentally well, should observe fasting. Fasting involves abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations from dawn to sunset for 29 or 30 days of Ramadan in the hopes that it will lead to greater "taqwa" (consciousness of God).
"It is also known as intermittent fasting."

What are the Purposes and objectives  of fasting in the month of Ramadan? 

The main reason behind fasting is to attain piety and to testifies to total submission and obedience to the will of the Almighty.

Meanwhile , exemptions to fasting include; 
severe illness, pregnancy,
and breastfeeding.
These categories of people may postpone it:

The very old and permanently ill are excused from fasting. They feed a poor person for every day of Ramadan.

The usual activities of Ramadan which are common to all Muslims individual  include the following:
* fasting during the same month.
* waiting for the time to break the fast in the evening,
* congregational Tarawih Prayers observed in the mosque after breaking the fast.
* the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr).
* The Eid celebration (Eid al-Fitr) at the end of Ramadan strengthen the social ties among believers.
Allah’s Messenger says: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, and fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb aches, the whole body aches because of sleeplessness and fever.”

What are the religious rules governing fasting in this holly month?
Muslims are expected to fast from all (Halal) foods and drinks, including water, from dawn until sunset each day during Ramadan. 
No to drinking of any kind during the fasting daylight hours, practicing Muslims are not permitted to consume water. Instead, it's recommended that anyone fasting drink as much water as possible in the early morning ( at Sahuur) to ward off thirst during the day.

More also,
The following actions can led to the  breaking of your fast during Ramadan:
*Drinking or eating while fasting.
* Brushing the teeth and gargling (Beyond limitations)
* Health-related issues.
* Applying lipstick, nail polish and perfumes for women.
* Cursing, speaking evils, lying, telling tales, falsely testifying, listening to unnecessary music, watching pornography movies.
* Intimacy between married couples.
* Taking a dip in a swimming pool or a shower. (Unnecessarily placing of head in water for a period of long time)

The best time to make supplications during Ramadan are:
1.during all nights of Ramadan
2.During the night of Majesty or  night of decree
3.when opening a fast at dusk

Prayers when Opening a fast at dusk:

It is mentioned in a Hadith that at the time of opening the fast, the person is permitted to make a dua whose acceptance is promised.

It is mentioned in a Hadith that when food is presented to you at the time of iftaar, then prior to opening your fast you should recite the following dua,
“Allahumo laka sumtu wa alaa rizqika aftortu fataqobalahu minniy”
Translation: "In the name of Allah. All praise is due to Allah. O Allah! I have fasted for Your pleasure, it is with Your sustenance that I am opening my fast, and I have placed complete trust in You Accept this fast from me.

The other Virtues of Ramadan, its benefits and Laylatul Quadri will be discussed in our next post. Stay tuned and endeavour to share this to Muslims throughout the universe. I pray we witness this year's Ramadan and subsequent ones In Sha Allah. 

Salam aleykum warahmotullah Wabarakatu. 

Written by :
Uztadh Ayinde Khaleed Ademola 
Hod IjuOkoOba,
Dawah Secretary NYW Lagos Zone2
The National HODS PRS. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid-19 Relief Package : Nasfat Osun Zone donates food items worth hundred thousand of naira to state of Osun.

In order to support the state government, yesterday Nasfat Osun Zone donated food items majorly tubers of yam and noodles worth hundred of thousands of naira to Osun State.

Nasfat Osun Zonal Chairman, Alhaji Sefiu Adewunmi

The presentation was made by the Zonal Executive Council at the Osun Palliative Collection Center warehouse on Friday 10th April, 2020.

The team comprises of the Zonal vice chairman, Alhaji Yisa Olaniyi, the Zonal Secretary-Hajia Rasheedat Adebayo, Zonal Youth Secretary- Bro Olasupo Tajudeen and NASFAT media person- Bro Semih Adabanija and they were led by the Zonal Chairman, Alhaji Adewumi Sefiu Adebowale to the Collection Centre. 
Nasfat Osun Zonal Executive Council members 

The Zonal Chairman also directed the team to start disbursement of fund to some selected indigent members throughout the state as approved by the Zonal Executive Council of the Zone.

The Zonal Chairman also directed all the branch chairmen in Osun to replicate the exercise in their various branches to complement the little approved by the ZEC, so as to accommodate more members in the initiative.

The SSG to State of Osun, Prince Wole Oyebamiji and other Commissioners happily received the gifts on behalf of the government.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid-19 Lockdown : Halal challenges you should engage in.

In its effort to battle against the Covid-19 pandemic and to curtail its spread, the federal government on the 30th of March, 2020 enforced a 14-days lockdown in some part of the country which has result to boredom for some people. In order to get rid of this boredom, the populace especially the youths has decided to engage themselves in different challenges on social media, challenges like pregnancy challenge, BOP Challenge, Don't rush challenge, bucket list, some even go to the extent of  alcohol drinking challenge, Subhanallah.
In order to curb all this unnecessary challenges which are not adding value to our lives, the writer of this piece has come along with challenges people can partake in that will be useful to them.
Underlisted are some of those challenges :

1) Quran Memorization Challenges:

 As a Muslim, memorizing Quran is one thing we should all be looking forward to achieve. Qur’an memorization is of benefit in this life and hereafter. We should all endeavour to use this period to memorize some chapters and verses of the Holy Qur’an.

2) Qur’an Recitation Challenges : The Prophet (PBUH) says"We should beautify the Holy Qur’an with our voices ", as Muslim some of us can't recite the Quran with Tejwid. As Muslims, we should cease this moment to learn how to recite the Qur’an with sweet voices.

3) Tilawatul' Qur’an /Qur’an Revising : Tilawatul Qur’an is a great exercise that has a great reward from Allah. As a Muslim we can use this period to finish a while Quran within one week. It's very easy, this is the break down, The Holy Qur’an has 30 Juz. We pray five times daily, now if we recite one Juz per Solat, we will finish 5 Juz in a day, and 30 Juz in 6 days. Let's endeavour to finish the Qur’an and pray with it during the period.

4)New Language learning challenge :

 As we all know we are in Anglo-phonic and Franco-phonic continent. Been a bilingual or multilingual in this continent pays a lot. We can cease this opportunity to learn some basic elements of a foreign language. To learn a language at our own convenience, the Duolingo app is available for us. Download it and start a new language class at your own pace.

5) New Skill or Knowledge Acquisition challenge :

 Seeking knowledge is compulsory for all Muslim males and females is the hadith of The Holy Prophet (PBUH). Its very easy to learn a new skill or knowledge in this era, sites and like,,, Google digital skills etc etc are available for our own use for learning a new skill at our own pace. Skills like Microsoft Office skills, Data management, Programming language etc etc can be learnt at our own convenience.

If there are other challenges you think people should engage in, put it on comment session for others to benefit. 

Brethren, let's use this moment to improve on our spiritual, physical and intellectual lives. I pray this Covid-19 pandemic will be eradicated totally from our lands. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Covid-19 Relief Package : Nasfat Ijebuland donates food items to less privileged members.

In its own way to support the members of the society and compliment the government's effort during the Covid-19 lockdown, Nasfat Ijebuland yesterday donated food items to vulnerable and less privileged members of the society. This activity took place at the Nasfat Ijebuland Islamic center ijebu ode.

During this session, the beneficiaries were also given lecture on the preventive measures to take during this period. 

Covid-19 Lockdown : Sheikh Robiu condemns government action.

The founder and grand lecturer of Dawah tul Haq, His Eminence Shiekh Abd-Malik Robiu Adebayo hs condemned the actions of Nigerian government of not providing food for the mass during lockdown. Though he commended the actions taken by the government to fight against the Covid-19 outbreak, but he said in his words that of all the actions, not providing food for the masses will affect the lockdown rules because some people have to go out on a daily basis before getting their daily bread.

His Eminence Shiekh Abd-Malik Robiu Adebayo (RTA) 
In his words, he said the federal government should emulate what other foreign countries are doing by providing for the citizens foods which will be enough for the people so that the lockdown rule will be obeyed by the people. He said non-provision of food for the masses will make people go out and seek what they want to eat by themselves which will alter the lockdown rules. 
See video below 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Covid-19 :Nasfat postpones Youth Conference.

The annual Nasfat Youth International conference , Ogun 2020 has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic that's currently happening globally. The 2020 conference themed Dare the Cheetah, that is to be hosted by Ogun Zone this year which is supposed to be held between 9th - 13th of April 2020 at the NYSC orientation camp Sagamu, Ogun State was postponed due to the lockdown and travel ban that was announced by the Federal government. And apart from those reasons, the conference is expected to be attend be delegates from other West Africa countries like Benin Republic and Ghana which will not be able to.
This announcement was made by the in the house Secretary to the Zonal youth secretaries, Branch youth secretaries and other members of Nasfat youth wing. It was stated in the letter received yesterday that though the conference has been postponed due to the funds of those who registered will be sustained till 2021 and other members who are willing to register will be opportuned to do so after the Covid-19 pandemic has been resolved In Sha Allah. He urged members who have registers to be rest assured that their registration is still valid. Below is the image of the full letter. 
He also urged the members and the entire public to to obey all safety regulations in these trying times. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Covid-19, Quarantine and Lockdown: Islamic perspective

Covid-19 is not a new name in all households globally, due to its deadly nature. The government of several countries in the world has announce lockdown in which their residents are unable to move around the way they want. The president of Nigeria has just announced lockdown in some states in the country. Though many has kicked against the travel ban, lockdown, quarantining and preventive measures laid down by tyb government and heath practitioners. Below is the Islamic perspective about Covid-19 and the preventive measures laid down by authorities. 

1) QUARANTINE is a Prophetic ﷺ advice.

“Run away from the leper (the one with contagious ailment) as you would run away from a lion.”
(Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 608)

2) SOCIAL DISTANCING is a Prophetic  ﷺ command. 

"Those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy."
Bukhaari (6771) and Muslim (2221)

3) TRAVEL Ban is a Prophetic ﷺ teaching. 

" Do not enter a land where the plague (contagious ailment) has broken out ; don’t leave from where it has broken out”
Bukhaari (5739) and Muslim (2219) 

4) DON'T HARM OTHERS, if you have symptoms. 

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Do not cause harm or return harm.”
Sunan Ibn Mājah (2340)

5) STAYING HOME is a Prophetic teaching   

“Those who stay at home to protect themselves and others are under the protection of Allah.”
Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh

6) If necessary, HOUSE IS A MASJID

The Prophet ﷺ said: “The entire earth has been made a Masjid, except graveyards and washrooms."
Tirmidhi (al-Salaah, 291)

7) THERE'S CURE; patience is the virtue 

The Prophet ﷺ said “There is no disease that Allah sent without sending for it a cure.
Bukhari (Volume 7, Book 71, Number 582)


The Prophet ﷺ said: “Every disease has a cure. If a cure is applied to the disease, it is relieved by the permission of Allah.”
Muslim (2204)

9) FACE MASKING is  a Prophetic ﷺ teaching 

Prophet (ﷺ) while sneezing, would cover his face with his hand or with his garment,”
Abu Dawud; Tirmidhi (Book 43, Hadith 2969), Sahih

10) WASH HANDS every time you enter home. 

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Cleanliness is half of faith.”
Muslim (223)

11) *HOME QUARANTINE* is a Prophetic advice 

“The plague (contagion) patient who remains in his home with patience and expectation of reward, knowing that nothing will befall him other than Allah’s decree will attain the reward or a martyr“
Musnad Aḥmad, Sahih 
also Bukhaari (2829) and Muslim (1914)

Ramadan and Its Virtues : What you need to know

It is widely known that this year's Ramadan is starting on the 23rd of April, all other things been equal. Thought it might ...