Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid-19 : Nasfat Youth Wing Dawah Team clarifies misconceptions

The Dawah Team of Nasfat Youth Wing clarified some misconceptions about Coronavirus pandemic and also gave preventive measures and prayers to all members and Muslim Ummah globally. In their letter, they urge Muslims to eradicate the belief of seeing hair inside the Quran that the Quran is meant to be recited and not hair storage they also beseech members not to use chloroquine as it is not the WHO directive is it's just a misconception. They also urge the members to stop believing in supplications which are against the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad thereby recommending prayer from the Quran and hadith. Below is the full content of the letter:



DATE: March 29, 2020 (Sha'ban 4, 1441 AH)

FROM: NASFAT Youth Wing Da'wah Desk

TO: All Members of NASFAT Youth Wing Worldwide
SUBJECT: Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic-Claryfing The Misconceptions

As-Salam Aleikum,
Bismillah Rahman Raheem

Allah say in Surah Al-Anaam, Verse 17:
وَإِن يَمْسَسْكَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ فَلَا كَاشِفَ لَهُ إِلَّا هُوَ وَإِن يَمْسَسْكَ بِخَيْرٍ فَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

And if Allah touch you with affliction, there is none to take it off but He; and if He visit you with good, then He has power over all things.

The global pandemic-Corona Virus (COVID-19) is real! There are some pieces of misinformation concerning the cure to COVID-19 which are not inline with Islamic injunction. 

 1. There is no Hair of the Prophet in Suratul Baqarah or on any page of the Mushaf. The Quran is meant to be recited and pondered over, it's not a storage for hairs.

2. Chloroquine is not officially declared as the cure for the virus. It was alleged, but health organizations debunked it. 

3. Stop manufacturing various unfounded supplications for people, stop forcing people to share certain duas with their contacts, what we have are the well known supplications against illnesses and diseases in the Quran and authentic Sunnah. 

Allah says in Surah An-Najm, Verse 58:
لَيْسَ لَهَا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ كَاشِفَةٌ

There shall be none besides Allah to remove it.

 If Then:
1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and clean water;
2. Avoid unnecessary touching of your eyes, nose and mouth after contacts with animate and inanimate beings;
3. Cover your cough/sneeze using bend of your elbow or a clean tissue;
4. Avoid crowded places and close contact with anyone that has fever or cough;
5. Stay at home NO SOCIAL GATHERING;
6. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early- *but call first*; and
7. Get relevant information from trusted sources.

Prayers for Peace of Mind

Surah Quraish (Qur'an 106) 11 times, but chant the verse (...Alladhi at'amahum min juu'in, Wa aamana hum min khaofin 111 times)
لِإِيلَافِ قُرَيْش,
إِيلَافِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ,
فَلْيَعْبُدُوا رَبَّ هَٰذَا الْبَيْتِ,
الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُم مِّن جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُم مِّنْ خَوْفٍ

Who feeds them against hunger and gives them security against fear. (111 times)

ﻳَﺎ ﻏﻴﺎﺙ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﻐﻴﺜﻴﻦ ﺃَﻏِﺜْﻨِﻲ ٣٣
Yaa- Giyaathal-mustagithiina agithni (33x times)
O God Who help those who seek help, please help me

*اللهم اصرف عنا الوباء والبلا٣٣
Allahuma Isrif 'annal-waba-a wal bala-a (33x times)
(Oh Lord! Drive calamities and catastrophes away from us)

#Every Morning

Oh Allah, we seek protection with You from vitiligo, madness, leprosy, all minor and major (evil) diseases.

Ma Saalam



NASFAT Youth Wing Dawah Desk

Share with love ones. 


  1. This looks good, I hope it further helps some people to find direction

  2. This is good, I believe upgrading is coming up, the Template need adjustment


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